Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Chozin, Maru dan Farid: Melangkah untuk membuka pintu lainnya

by Nelly Martin

On Monday, May 26, 2008 at 7.05-9.00 P.M, located in Seminar room, Yamada house, Muhammad Chozin a.k.a Chozin defended his thesis entitled Illegal but common: Life of Blast Fishermen in the Spermonde Archipelago, South Sulawesi,Indonesia. Chozin explained confidently his one-year research. He looked so confident that made him respond the questions flawlessly and knowledgeably.
The chair committee and the adviser is Dr. Gene Ammarell and the committee members are Dr. Yeong-Hyun Kim and Dr. M. Iqbal Djawad.

This defense was something new for most of us due to the fact that one of the committees, M. Iqbal Djawad, Ph.D, was in Makassar, so they had to do the tele-conference. In spite of the technical problems, everything was done flawlessly. Chozin could answers all questions given by the advisers flying colors. He knew what he was talking about and could respond to the queries asked. Additionally, the advisers gave him some insight suggestion which is necessarily required for an academic paper. Dr. Kim even directly asked Chozin to pursue his doctoral degree and told him that it was a good work.

Not only did the advisers ask the questions, the audience that consisted of 10 Permias students, 1 Malaysian and 1 Pilipino, was given a chance to ask a question. Tsuy asked a very thoughtful question that inquired Chozin about the job opportunity if he really does some action to eliminate the blast fishing in that area. Additionally, Farid asked whether having some researchers in that area is necessarily benefited the people there.
The session took about 2 hours. Then, the committees asked Chozin and the audience to leave the room. Five minutes after that Chozin was pronounced that he passed it.
He looked very happy and everyone congratulated him.
His hard work paid off.

Berikut adalah kesan Chozin:
Wah..waaaah...terima kasih semuanya..
Terutama untuk Sandra dan Efka yang sudah bantu persiapan sound system, phone conference, dan makan siangnya. Farid dan Valhan dengan jepretan-jepretan mautnya. Arin dengan pekikan-pekikan semangatnya. Nelly buat encouraging comments dan reportasenya. Tsuy dengan pertanyaannya yang penuh menggugah kesadaran. Manda dan Citra dengan senyum manis dan easy goingnya (kalian selalu menjadi adik2 manis yang menyegarkan suasana). Wakil E-12, Muluk dan Said yang selalu curious ingin banyak tanya (eh..Muluk, nanti saya pasti copy hasil video rekamannya)....Mmmh..sapa lagi ya....? O ya, ibu Suri dengan text messagenya ! Pokoknya buat semuanya dech..."kontribusi besar kalian membuatku tidak bisa menolak untuk tidak mencatat nama-nama kalian dalam buku harianku!"
Kedatangan kalian benar2 menjadi semangat tersendiri buat saya !

Tidak lupa, Maryani, aka Maru juga sudah mempresentasikan Proseminar Papernya yang berjudul : Identifying a core vocabulary for teaching English to Indonesian pre-school children based on a mini-corpus of Indonesian Children’s storybooks, pada hari Sabtu, 10 Mei 2008 pukul 4.25-4.55 sore. Beberapa teman Indonesia seperti Brian, FK, Arin, Nelly, dan Mila pun turut hadir. Maru tampak sangat lancar dalam memaparkan karya ilmiahnya. Beberapa pertanyaan pun dijawab dengan penuh percaya diri dan tepat sasaran. Juga, teman kita, Farid Muttaqin, baru saja melaksanakan sidang untuk kelulusannya dengan thesisnya yang berjudul: Progressive Muslim Feminists in Indonesia; from Pioneering to the Next Agendas. Bertempat di Baker Center, tanggal 23 Mei jam 10-11, Dr. Elizabeth Colins dan Dr. Loren Lyberger memberikan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang dapat dijawab dengan lancar oleh Mas kita ini. Sayangnya sidang ini tertutup sehingga tidak ada anak Permias yang menjadi saksinya. Sandra, menunggu di luar sampai Mas Farid dinyatakan lulus dan berhak menyandang gelar MAIA pada pukul 11.30 AM.


Anonymous said...

Selamat buat Maru, Mas Farid n Mas Chozin..
Semoga kesuksesan-kesuksesan yang lain akan mengikuti d kemudian hari..
We proud of you guyz!!


Unknown said...

Hidupp alumni OU..!!

Congratss yaa guys!!!
sukses slaluuu,,,


Anonymous said...

Selamat-selamat... Ditunggu darma baktinya di tanah air, :-)