Monday, April 28, 2008

The OU Samaners at OSU, again, were awesome!!!

Picture by Anton Wiranata

Reported by Nelly Martin

On preparation
It was on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10 AM when the Samaners (a.k.a Pasukan Bodrex) gathered in front of Baker Center heading for Columbus to perform in Indonesian on the Go (Indigo- a cultural night held by OSU Permias). It might be very early as it was the first day of weekend when some people might have been enjoying their relaxing day. Yet, all of the dancers comprising Arin, Brian, Amanda (a.k.a Mondi), Tsuy, Maru, Ita, Citra (ce), Citra (co), Valhan, Kristin, Molly, Nelly, Gugun and Genny were so enthusiastic that ignite the spirit to seize the day. Not to mention, FK, our silvery singer, and Anton, our talented photographer seemed to be avid to present the best performance for the audience in Columbus.

On the way
The jokes and some hilarious chitchat seemed to be the good way to enjoy the one and half hour trip. Kristin and Genny, the drivers, drove joyfully, while the others killed the times by creating some games, taking a nap or reading books. It was incredibly fun.
Arriving at Columbus, the team enjoyed the food in Taste of Bali and had a little shopping in Asian Market. Everyone was so amazed with the menu in the restaurant that allowed us to have many kinds and plenty dishes. Being away from the beloved country would always be a good excuse to eat more than the normal portion ☺. Not only the food did we order was tasty but also it was fulfilling. As the result, all of us were double-energized.

On OSU campus
Arriving at 3 PM at OSU, we were welcomed by Andika, the OSU Permias public relation officer. A bit sleepy and exhausted, we then dress-rehearsed. However, the stage was so small that we eventually decided to perform on the floor, in front of the stage. A bit disappointed, we still danced at our best.
As we still had three more hours to go before the show, we then enjoyed our time. Some were taking pictures, while other grasped the chance to take some rest and had some chats.

On the moment
The moment before the performance began might be the most unforgettable one for us. Feeling on the same boat, we tried to appease each other that we would make the day. Performing in front of the audience that we were not familiar with was surely a daunting task; however, every one seemed to be supportive and tried to calm each other. It was the moment when we had to dress and put on udeng and other accessories that we would call as the unforgettable one. It might be trifles, yet it was meaningful of which we can value the meaning of friendship.

On the show
Time to perform!!
The atmosphere somehow could tell that the troop members felt very uneasy, as the time to entertain was about to start. As mentioned earlier, we felt a bit restless due to the fact that we were surrounded by at least 300 people that we did not know at all. However, the spirit to perform the best seemed to conquer it all. Moreover, the event held before our performance was a real icebreaker for us. It was called as a “tebak lagu show” that took audience to guess the titles of the songs played by the Discjockey. And Mondi was the star of the night. Being one of the finalists, Mondi could finally beat others and became the winner. In this event, again, the solidarity of Athens Permias members came at play. The master of ceremonies (Tries Nainggolan and Desi Wardhana, both OSU students) informed that the friends of the finalist could hint and tell the titles so the samaners were very active and articulate in guessing the titles that made Mondi be the winner and was awarded a $50-gift card.

Been relaxed and enjoying Mondi’s victory, the troop was to be ready to entertain the audience. Being nervous yet ardent, all of the dancers were so successful to perform their best that astonished the audience. FK was unquestionably doing a great job and was able to amaze the audience with her melodious voice. The claps and the warm compliment were truly the best feedback received by the troops and it extremely repaid all the dues and sweat.

On the memory
It was a real memento that every one of us would hold for the rest of our lives. We at least had done something to acknowledge and advertise Indonesia, our beloved country. The thing that we did might have been trifle, yet it was meaningful and worth doing.

to enjoy the performance, Anton kindly taped the dance and posted it on youtube
and photographed the event that could be enjoyed on his flickr account.


Timur Angin said...

waawww...kayaknya seru banget ya...? sayang kagak bisa ngikut. Topcer dech Permias Athens,....bulan depan mo manggung di mana laghe neh..? ntar tak undang manggung pas mentananku dech (tahun 2020)...! tapi gak pake bayar loh ya...>?

Wini said...

Mbak Nel...
Thanks banget yach buat reportase-nya. Wah jadi belajar banyak nih...he..he...stylish banget oi....

By the way, $50-nya went to Asian Market dongs...he..he...wah, salut nih, bukan cuma kompak on stage ajah...tapi off stage juga...bahu membahu memburu...$50 ha..ha...congrats deh....

Eh, mas Chozin...kelamaan atuh 2020...the sooner the better lah mas...mumpung kita2 masih pada fresh2 begini from the oven..ha..ha...tapi ga papa kok, sekali lagi, kebersahajaan mas Chozin tak kan lekang oleh waktu...."aku ingin hidup seribu tahun lagi....wiiiiiii"

Sekali lagi buat pasukan Bodrex...congrats...walau panggung tidak mengijinkan karena terlalu kecil...pesona Saman yang kalian bawakan benar2 tidak terkalahkan....

Bravo...Permias Athens....pasukan bodrex...yuuuuuukkkkkkkss


Anonymous said...

Pasukan Bodrexz cs...
Bravo, many congratz neh!!
Makin kompaq, solid n yahud yah!
Wihh ada rencana manggung di kampus-kampus di Bandung kah..hehhe..=)
Kan gak ada akses utube neh...jadi mending liat live performance yah =)

Nelly-san,beloved talented writer of sweet Gordy, great job, Nel!
really enjoy reading ur vivid depiction of the story =)

Best, Lew

Anonymous said...

sekedar usul ni, gmn klo OU samaners manggung di DC pas acara 17an agustus nti... kan uda deket sama pak Haris di embassy kan? tinggal propose aja, siapa tau diongkosin ato gmn... acara 17an nya sih mgkn ga terlalu wah banget, tp jalan2nya pasti seru! hehehe...
selamat ya atas sukses di OSU kemarin, top banget kalian!
hidup Gordy! lho?