Saturday, May 05, 2007

Film Indonesia "Berbagi Suami" di putar di Bioskop Athens, Ohio

Salah satu film produksi Indonesia berjudul "Berbagi Suami" diputar dalam acara Festival Film+Vidoe di Athens, Ohio, USA. Hal ini merupakan kebanggaan tersendiri bagi mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di Ohio University; karena dengan diputarnya film tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kualitas film Indonesia sudah diakui di tingkat Internasional. Acara pemutaran film yang berlokasi di sebuah bioskop dekat kampus itupun dipadati banyak penonton, baik dari kalangan mahasiswa maupun penduduk Athens. Tentu saja, tak ketinggalan para penonton dari mahasiswa Indonesia yang kuliah di OU. Berikut cuplikan iklan film tersebut, yang di ambil dari:

Berbagi Suami (Love for Share)
Director: Nia Dinata

In Indonesian, with English subtitles
Not rated, 120 min.
April 30, 5:15 pm, Athena Cinema

Monday, April 30, 5:15 PM, Athena Cinema
Tuesday, May 01, 7:30 PM, Athena Cinema
Thursday, May 03, 7:30 PM, Athena Cinema

A sensitive, and surprisingly humorous examination of polygamy in modern Indonesia, the largest Moslem country in the world. The stories of three women, from three different social classes and ethnic backgrounds, are interwoven in a strikingly courageous and ultimately hopeful movie. Each woman's story is told in sequence; Salma is a gynecologist who questions polygamy but as a faithful Moslem, she accepts her fate to have a polygamous husband- and as "first wife," has certain prerogatives not available to her "sister-wives."

Siti is a Javanese village girl who has high hopes for a better life in the metropolitan city of Jakarta. Her dreams shatter once she realizes that living in a city slum in a polygamous household will not take her anywhere. And when Siti has to help the newest wife deliver her baby, without any medical help, and the master of the household barges in unannounced, stone drunk with a strange girl hanging on his arm (a girl who is to be fourth wife), Siti is engaged and driven to explore new possibilities of freedom and choices in her life.

Ming is a waitress in a famous roast duck stall in downtown Jakarta. Her youthful vitality and Chinese-Indonesian mixture of beauty stands out among the busy crowd. Ming dates the stall's cook, among others, but he can barely conceal his jealousy watching Ming flirt with male patrons. The competition gets even tougher when Ming dates a rookie filmmaker who promises her with a role in his first feature. We soon find out that Ming is willing to go a lot further to fulfill her ambitions of stardom, even to become a kept mistress…

Directed by Nia Dinata, who is the leading female Indonesian independent filmmaker. Winner of the Best Feature Film at the 2006 Hawaii International Film Festival.

"There is chemistry zapping all around, giving the film a fluidity and energy that is rewarding to watch."
—Chan Siew Lian,

For more information, visit:

Co-sponsored by the Program in Southeast Asian Studies at Ohio University.