Friday, November 17, 2006
Bobcats di Mac Championship
Rombongan Indonesia tidak mau kalah menyerbu Detroit untuk mendukung Bobcats melawan Eastern Michigan merebut kejuaraan MAC. Sayangnya Bobcats kalah. Bagi Bobcats, itu pertandingan final MAC pertama sejak tahun 1968. Lama banget ya. Tapi masih mendingan, karena prestasi Bobcats tahun ini sudah melebihi harapan--bisa jadi juara MACEast. Foto-fotonya di sini.
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Kunjungan Atdikbud ke Athens
Tanggal 3 November 2006, ada kunjungan Atase Pendidikan dan Kebudayan, Kedubes RI, Bpk Dr. Harris Iskandar, menyambangi Athens. Kunjungan ini untuk menjajaki kerja sama pendidikan pemerintah Indonesia dengan Ohio University. Selain itu, juga untuk melihat kegiatan Permias: The Indonesian Movie Night. Ini foto Dr. Harris Iskandar di lantai 1 Alden Library, yang banyak menyimpan buku dari Asia Tenggara itu. (Prends, ganti dengan foto yang lebih cocok ya.)
Dari ki-ka: Dr. Harris Iskandar, Jeff Shane, Putut Widjanarko
Friday, November 03, 2006
Indonesian films to show in Scripps
Friday, November 3rd, 2006. Seeing movies often allows people to identify with the characters. However, moviegoers this weekend can feel the excitement, loneliness and dream of the people living in the most populated Muslim country in the world.
The Indonesian Student Organization, PERMIAS, will host the Indonesian Film Festival, which will include four Indonesian movies, today and tomorrow in Scripps Hall Auditorium. “The Indonesian Film Festival is aimed at promoting Indonesian culture, making people in
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Southeast Asian Culture Showcased at Poetry Night
By Maria Gallucci
Nov. 2, 2006. An exchange of language and poetry took place Nov. 2 as students and faculty of
Southeast Asian Poetry Night is an opportunity for international students to share their native cultures with the audience and other students. It also gives American students a chance to practice their language of study while incorporating its cultural elements.
The event was sponsored by Southeast Asian Studies and the Southeast Asian Studies Association. The Southeast Asian languages and cultures represented that night include Khmer, Tagalog, Indonesian, Thai, Cambodian, Vietnamese and Malaysian. Participants also dressed in native clothing, wearing silk embroidered hats and dresses and brightly printed cloths.
“Poetry Night gives students and the audience first-hand exposure to each culture and offers a different perspective not found inside the classroom,” said Katie McWhorter, graduate student and president of the Southeast Asian Studies association.
For American students studying Indonesian and Thai, the poetry night was a chance to gain confidence in their language skills and to put their knowledge to use, said Maryani Maryani, a third-year graduate student from
Maryani and her three Indonesian 211 students recited a poem they had written in English and translated into Indonesian.
Performing in front of an audience was a great experience, said Kristin Dunksy of the poem recital.
Molly Roth, also a student of Maryani, said writing and translating a poem was good practice for their language skills.
“(Poetry Night) is a chance to express yourself, and also (a chance) to see what other people have to share from their countries,” said Anton Wiranata, a graduate student from
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
A New PhD in town
Ada PhD baru dari kawah Athens, Putut Widjanarko, yang menulis tentang orang Indonesia Muslim di New York City. Oral defense-nya tanggal 1 November 2006. Ini fotonya setelah sidang itu. Dari ki-ka: Elin Driana (sang istri yang ehm...ehmm .. ehm itu), Drew McDaniel (pembimbing utama), Putut, Karen Riggs, Bill Frederick, dan Bob Stewart.